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I LIVE!!! Holy shit. Man wtf even is 2020 lmao It just keeps getting wilder and wilder. But I don't have the time for intros! Bullets! Go!

Box Of Chocolates Challenge was Successful- My personal challenge to myself was to see how many black/darkskinned characters I could do for the month, and I got a lot done! There were some bigger names like Nessa and My Hero's bunny chick, but in terms of the former, I wanna do a print of her down the line and the latter, I'm waiting on more content of her in the anime. This isn't the end tho! I still wanna get more of these girls done, like, I had a ton of fun doing this challenge.

Congrats On Poll Winner Tio!- Tionishia from Monster Musume ended up being the victor in the poll of mocha babes! Not the darkest girl there, so you can see why I chose to start with some other girls haha She has a set of 8-9 images, so please check them out when you can!

Comic Cancellations- Sadly, because of the timing of my Laptop issues, and several other circumstances in that same window, I was not able to complete the book I had intended for the anthology slated for this year. Sucks cuz I've been rather skimp on my furry content of late, and that would fill the niche for the moment. The next book is in November however, so I have ample time to work with, and to figure out a new premise.

Comics on Schedule- I have 2 comics and an image set that are still going as planned for an April release. I will need some personal time away to devote to them, as I think the premise is too spicy, even for the regulars here. The image set however, I can disclose, and it will be Workout Buddies! 2. A sequel to my original short comic about Claude fucking Clarks brains out in a gym theme. This set will be publicly posted, but contents will not be rolled out until the entire set is complete, so Patrons get early access.

Lighthouse Statement- On a more serious tone(I guess), I have to address the state of our Discord server. While I can't say it's a horrible place to be right now, there are some aspects of chat that make it less than desirable. It's not a matter of breaking rules, it's just...picking up on basic social norms. To make Lighthouse a more enjoyable place consider the followings-

  • Stay on topic-if you see a conversation going on between several users, do not break suddenly with something new. If you do so, give the people around you a heads up. If people are talking about video games, nobody is gonna care about your puppy getting a new sweater. If you notice you're just talking into a void/nobody is paying you any mind, take the hint and come back later.
  • Do not spam porn in channels that are not #kill-lights-ass- This wasn't an issue before, but now there are users pinging other users for porn in the regular channels. On rarity it's fine, but continuous linking clogs the channel. Be mindful of your posting.
  • Keep The Resource Channels Clean- This is not a place for discussion, it's for linking refs or tutorials. Over explaining a ref or video that already explains a concept is unnecessary, and any paragraph long monologues accompanying a link will be deleted. 
  • Take Arguments Elsewhere or End It- This is a big server with a lot of people sharing a single space. Be mindful that when you back and forth with someone on a topic, you are taking away from the mood of the chat and preventing future conversation from happening. Mods will be encouraged to say "Drop it" if discussions carry on too long. 
  • Be Self Aware of Obsessive Topics- Nobody liked the guy that comes into chat to talk about their waifu all day. Nobody likes the guy that makes every conversation about their commissions. If you only come into chat to obsess over a specific topic, chances are, you jut out like a sore thumb. Chat people up about the stuff they're into or art they've gotten. If you can't do that much, I honestly don't think you're meant for a public server.
  • Be Nice- I can't believe I have to make that a point lol  BUT there are people in the server that just don't know how to socialize. It's really bothersome when everyone has to be "the funny guy". You can make jokes that are not at the expense of your neighbors. Keep running gags to a minimal; they are not the persons defining trait. And remember, if there's a joke to be made, you don't always have to take it. Don't be that guy. You can poke fun at your peers, but keep the upmost respect for them at the end of the day. That is the bottom line. 

Laptop Update- So I managed to get my lappy repaired in time to get this post out for the weekend. Safe to say, it's running like a charm right now! Tho I still have to watch how it goes for the next few weeks before I get comfy. Had to get a new harddrive since the old one was apparently garbage, so spent the whole weekend reinstalling all my programs. Luckily! Dropbox Professional has a feature where I can download hard copies of my file right off the cloud in no time, without messing with the links. So I was able to get all my laptop issues out the way with no costs(I mean besides repair costs but it didnt run me nearly as bad is I thought it would lol)

Be Safe!!- Even Light has to make a post about this lol Coronavirus is just about everywhere at this point and whether you're annoyed at it's mention or not, it's pretty serious. Be a hermit for a bit, limit the amount of times you go out. Wash your hands like a germophobe when you do go out, and you should be fine. Oh and stop hoarding toilet paper. What's wrong with you. I want everyone supporting this page to be in top shape, nobody is dying while pledged to me smh.

Holy shit that was long. But that was in part for the delay. Lots of stuff to cover. Here is the long awaited Link:


To go over again for the new folks, this is a collection of all the February draws for everyone who likes their content compiled in one location or just isn't in the Patreon Discord where you can get them the same day they're drawn. For security reasons, DM/PM(Private Message) me here on Patreon, and I can give you the links password. If you have already done so in the previous months, no need to message me, I'll throw you the password in a bit. If you have any additional questions about this months dump or would like access to any of the previous months content, feel free to ask.       



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