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Second Month of no passwording! Don't get too comfy, I'll resume the usual formula for this Patreon next month lol

Another relatively scarce batch of draws for this month, but the main reason I'm putting it in a Zip is because I recently got a new laptop and all my Dropbox archive links have been compromised. It's gonna take me a min to have everything sorted again, but I should have everything done by January for a 2019 Megadump of all the content for the year. This too will be a Zip available on the website for all, but I'll also have it in cloud format for a set amount of time. It will also be available for newcomers to the page that want to play catch up. But this is still intro stuff, let me get into my usual bullets.

Anime NYC was a Success!- As anyone following this Patreon for the past 3-4 months will know, I've been in hardcore Con mode for my first ever Artists Alley. It was a lot of fun!! Met a lot of artists I didn't even know were in the New York area. Got to connect with tons of friends and fans of my work alike. It honestly warms my heart seeing so much people supporting me in person. In terms of sales, I guess I broke even? lol I got shafted on some charms, and a batch of comics, so there were some squandered investments on the way to con, that would have earned me a KILLING, but hey what can ya do. Attached is a Broly print that didn't make it in time! I'm hoping I can attend a con over the summer or do this again next year, because I still have a ton of merch that didn't sell/make it on time.

Online Store Opening Soon!- To follow up with the idea of not selling out all my stuff, I do have some time sensitive merch that I'd like to have sold to people around the world who couldn't get a chance to hit me up for stuff in person. Not this month, but sometime mid January- February, I should have a Lightsource online store. It will be done through Gumroad unless otherwise stated, but this will be the place to get Prints, Charms, Stickers, Physical Comics and more.

Snake's Pit hits 150 Digital Sales!- Comic was a hit despite being posted during No Nut November lmao I had a lot of fun with the concept, so I was really happy at how well received it was. I told myself I wouldn't hit the Orochimama sauce again after a huge ass comic, but goddamnit, I've been getting ideas. I also wanna do a Naruko comic with Jiraiya which is pretty much the reverse of Orochimama and Sasuke. But that wont come for a while, the concept is still in it's budding phases. Snake's Pit is available to anyone at the $2.50 and above tier, just hit me up and you can get a link to it.

New Furry Comic maybe?- I have a deadline in the next 5 days for this years Kemmoko Lovers. I honestly don't know wtf I'm gonna do for it, but I think this year I wanna do something more feral since I haven't gone that route in a while save for my Magical Mare shenanigans. Due to the nature of that, probs might not be giving any updates, and just work on that in secret. I have to ask my senpai how well that will fit in the book lol

Moderation for the Server!- A lot of people have voiced concern in the past on how moderation for Lighthouse was going. There was only so much I could do on my own. So I've finally bitten the bullet and have enlisted the aid of mods. The mods chosen are relatively frequent members of chat, so they see what goes on and who's a good bean or not. If worst comes to worst, mods can place a bad member in "time out" which negates them from talking in the core chat. So be on best behavior! More mods will come with time, but for now there's enough to keep things running smooth. 

Secret Santa has begun!- This year's Secret Santa has officially started! It's an event usually targeted at regulars in the Lighthouse Server, so that's why I try not to draw attention to it on the main site lol But this year we had a whopping 30 participants! It seems we get an extra 10 people every year lol Now everyone must frantically work for the rest of the month to come up with an piece that will make their match smile. Best of luck to all participants!

New Laptop, Art priorities Resume, Wonky Net- So as said earlier, I got a new laptop, and tbh, it's great! Everything I could want out a lappy really. But ironically enough, as soon as I got it, I've been having dog shit internet lmao Called my ISP, and I wont be getting a new router til January 6th(funny, the time I'll be making this post again next year lol) So until then, I'll have to stomach poor net, I mean, at the very least I'm with a rig that ISN'T dying. I've already started knocking out my promised commissions, with a 3rd of them wipped. Once I get to the half way point I can go back to the comic thing...you know the thing lol Wish me luck on plowing through all this never ending work!

That should cover it for this month. I haven't had time to handle the Patreon nearly as well as I have in the past, and I'm genuinely sorry for anyone new who feels shafted on their pledge. Things are moving out of a super dry spell, but the new year should bring in a lot of new content with comics and commissions. To anyone in the last MONTH that I've somehow managed to neglect,  I'll have you sorted literally right after I post this. If anyone wants anything, feel free to barge down my PM's for content. It's your pledge and you should be getting what you paid for!! 

To all the newer members, content can be found in the Patreon Discord primarily. You can PM me for a Dropbox link of archives corresponding to your selected pledge. 

I love and appreciate everyone here, and I give you all my sincerest thank yous. Thanks for allowing me to continue doing all this!! Happy Holidays to all!!



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