Gain Jam Starting Soon! + The Heft Effect Complimentary Poll Results (Patreon)
We are nearing the Gain Jam!
I will taking part in the ‘Guess the Theme’ on the Weight Gaming’s Discord from 7am-11am PDT. While that is happening, I will also have The Craving Corner open and keeping an eye on it for anyone who wants to share their ideas!
For those who don't know what the Gain Jam is, it's an opportunity for game developers to shine! We are given a 2 week period to come up with a game that fits the theme and develop it. It's a lot of work but I am very excited to be a part of it, and I hope you are too!
The Gain Jam allows us to show off what CupCupMug can do!
Last year, I participated in the Lo-Cal Gain Jam with [Filled to the Limit], and I plan on leaving an even bigger footprint this year! 🤍
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Also, the polls are in! The winner of the second The Heft Effect Complimentary Poll is Fern!
This means I will be posting a 4-5 panel weight gain sequence of Fern from skinny to obese! It will be posted on Patreon hopefully sometime next week. (When I have time in between the Gain Jam and the other games.)
Thank you so much for voting, and I look forward to talking with you more about the Gain Jam tomorrow! Cheers!