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Side Game Poll (Ended)

  • 3D POV Stuffing Game 53
  • 3D Shooting Game 11
  • Card Collecting and Battling Game 16
  • Spot the Difference Game 1
  • Fatrifice 3 10
  • 2024-03-09
  • —2024-03-18
  • 91 votes
{'title': 'Side Game Poll (Ended)', 'choices': [{'text': '3D POV Stuffing Game', 'votes': 53}, {'text': '3D Shooting Game', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Card Collecting and Battling Game', 'votes': 16}, {'text': 'Spot the Difference Game', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Fatrifice 3', 'votes': 10}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 18, 17, 55, 2, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 9, 0, 11, 43, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 91}


In my 'Next Game Ideas!' post, I mentioned that I will be developing shorter games on the side while making Voluptuous Fantasy. I also mentioned the first short game may be a 3D POV game where you play as a girl finding and eating food.

I thought I'd make a poll with a few more game ideas to see what you want! I am also taking in other recommendations and ideas!

Either the winner of this poll will be my first short game, or I will make a second poll if I get enough other recommendations.

Here are the game ideas:

  • 3D POV Stuffing Game (House Stuffer)
  • 3D Shooting Game (Gluttonous Gun)
  • Card Collecting and Battling Game
  • Spot the Difference Game
  • Fatrifice 3

~Poll ends in 10 days.

Also, I would like to mention with the new game on its way, there will be a few changes to the tiers and what they have to offer. But I will go more into detail on that soon!
~Have a wonderful weekend! 😊


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