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Clarification, put them all in this post, I realize my last one could be misunderstood!



Cause I forgot to ask, how would Chen feel if we got Spoon Steel themed pajamas? What if we're out as the villain for Chen and give Spoon villain pajamas? Would Ortega dress Spoon in charge merch? I need the dynamic duo back together as well (Spoon and Rat King), so will there be more interactions with them both?


Once again, apologies if there have been answered before… 1. Would Chen honestly have tried to rescue Sidestep if he knew they were alive? 2. If Chen and/or Ortega knew Sidestep was definitely alive, what was their realistic chance of trying to rescue Step (either peacefully or forcefully), if rescue at all? For some reason, I’m thinking, metaphorically, of Ortega ringing the Farm’s doorbell pretending to sell candy to get the youth off the street as a ploy to breakend. 3. The Unforgivable scene seems to be for a guilty-crashed Step who gets rescued. Is there going to be a different variation for Sidesteps who let the puppet crash, but told Ortega they are a re-gene? Also, will Chen still reveal what he knew to Ortega eventually? I think I have only seen bits of the Chen-Ortega reveal with a crashed Step. 4. Depending on your Retribution game choices, Step can tap into what Chen saw/heard during Heartbreak. Are there going to be any other variations of that if you didn’t see that in Retribution? As if you were not so friendly with Chen. 5. I know Danny does a lot of his heroing for his brother, but did he ever have a plan of approaching Sidestep when he first moved to Los Diablos and Step was alive? Or, was he just going to focus on becoming a hero, and it would just be a dream come true if they crossed paths? 6. Might be more for the headcanons, but how did Sidestep pop up on the Rangers’ radar? Seems like they started with vigilante work on accident with a few robbers and drug dealers. Helped someone out and got enough fuzzy feelings to keep going. Were they ever trying to do their own larger/planned missions? Also, how fast did the Rangers pick-up on their telepathy?