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Stream link:https://youtu.be/qg5HzcHeor4




Yeah! Ready to watch!!!


Hi Brittany, I wanted just finished watching your talk and I will also leave a comment under your Youtube post just in case as well but I wanted to touch on something you said at 2:12:44 in the talk about how the whole Porsche being the head of the minor family being pulled out of nowhere. The thing is, it really wasn't. I'm gonna be sharing the reasons why and this comment may be one of the longest ones but I hope you get a chance to read it even if you don't respond. I'm pretty sure you guys already figured out that Korn was lying but some of his logic seems to be unclear for you and it may be because some clues were missed while watching the show. So here goes what I discovered after I went back and watched through the show again after ep 14 explosive mind fuckery. From ep 1 we find out a lot about the state of the main family but I don't think we realize just how much because we are so focused on the plot about Porsche getting recruited and meeting Kinn. But we find out that the main family has recently been corrupted and that some of their people were helping rival gangs and business partners cheat and rip off profits where they shouldn't be able to. The very first scene was about that. We also find out that their people were being bought and corrupted by the minor families and other gangs (Korn uses that logic to explain why Kinn needed Porsche) and as a result, they have to be more careful about who they recruit as opposed to the minor family, which ultimately would limit their manpower. Suspicion is rife in the main family and its subsidiaries and Kinn is constantly having to watch his back because he is being hunted down, especially since news of Mr. Korn being sick seems to have spread. Again at the end of episode 1, after Porsche gets hired, Mr. Korn clearly states that he has all the pieces on board now and can begin his game (referring to Porsche as the Queen piece on his chess board. A piece that is for all intents and purposes the most versatile, the most powerful and the most unpredictable piece one can control) In ep 2, We get a curious interaction between Gun and Kinn and Korn after Porsche's scuffle with Macau. Where Gun mentions and throws in their faces that the quality of their staff and their people has been declining and the state of the main family has been going to sh*t ever since (he stops there) but it is implied that it is since Korn took a step back and started letting Kinn take the lead more in the business. Moving on In episode 3, we find out that people are selling the main family's secrets (the man that got killed in ep 3 was rumored to have been one of them) and Kinn is trying to find out who else is out there sabotaging them. In ep 4 again we get a conversation about the auction which we overlooked since we think it's purely a plot device to move the story along but was clearly explained to us as another PR stunt on the part of the main family trying to maintain a certain image of strength and prestige which is why Kinn absolutely had to win that diamond going against Vegas there. In episode 5, we find out that some of the mess began because Kinn's love interest (Tawan) who Kinn trusted not to betray him had sold information about them to one of their biggest rivals but also deal makers the Italians who we learned at the beginning of the episode were getting bolder and bolder in their cheating business-wise. So things are not looking so good for the main family. And they still don't know who's screwing them over still at this point. We get told that they know that have at least one mole working against them from the inside and feeding the minor family information but they still don't know who it is. Still, in ep 5, Korn uses his trustee chess board to teach Kinn a lesson about letting his feelings and emotions overtake him and make him lose sight of what supposedly matters, and in this again he uses the Queen to win against Kinn (which we know means Porsche). And he says "Don't let one piece confuse us and cost us the whole board". I promise this is going somewhere. In ep 5, we also find out that one of the reasons why Kim finds His father's decisions to bring Porsche in odd was because Porsche wasn't specifically raised/groomed by his father (as far as he could tell) and he didn't have any special skills like a police officer or ex-military would. This piece of information becomes important again in ep 14 When we find out that uncle Thee was one of Korn's men. In episode 7, we again find out that other groups and gangs are impeding on their territories and one of the main ones they suspect is Don (head of the Italians) because he's been the only outside source bold enough but they can't be too sure of that. They also mention that someone must be pulling the strings because otherwise, that wouldn't be possible because of the main family's street cred. This again is another hint that their power is weakening. Kinn also explains the dynamic between the minor and the major and how it promotes competition and makes the organization stronger somehow but that every time the minor family won at something it made him and his father look weak to their partners, subordinates, and other families. At the beginning of the episode, and at the end of the episode, we also see the minor family succeeding where the main one seems to have failed which later we find out that the reason was that Vegas and Gun had been working against the main family all along. Exchanging information with other rival gangs, spying and infiltrating the main branch and their inner workings, trying to destabilize them from within so that they could take over and eliminate them all. we find out that Tawan (one of the sources of Kinn's bane) was a Vegas implant all along. And that all the machinations that have been happening and the weakening of the main family were orchestrated by Vegas and his father all along. Up to ep 9, everyone had their suspicions and Tankhun even mentions it but confirmation did not happen until ep 10 and even then in order to avoid the death sentence for him and Vegas, Gun manufactures a whole story about Vegas only seeking to help and lure out the "culprit" and you know they throw Ken's head at them as a scapegoat but at this point, it's pretty clear to all who has been behind most of their current problems. It is also obvious that Korn knows what is going on and has known since the very beginning of the show and he could've shot his brother right then and there but he didn't obviously because veiled/unclear betrayal was not enough excuse to eliminate his brother at this point. He knows his brother has been playing a game and waiting for an opportunity to overtake him. He sees the state of his organization and its power slowly slipping through his fingers. He sees that Kinn is not yet where he needs to be in terms of leadership (in ep 1 he calls him out for being too impulsive, in ep 5 he calls him out for being too blinded by his feelings and emotions, in ep 7 he warns him about going down the romance route again and thinking irrationally) and he knows he's not gonna be here forever. We know that Korn is Planning something but we don't know what it is. And we know that Porsche is very much someone that he needs in order for his plan to work and that he has a special interest in him somehow. We also know that because of that Special interest, Kim, and Gun also get interested in Porsche. We also know that he is quite adamant that Porsche follows Kinn around and gets a feel for the place and a feel for how things work. He even insists in ep 7 that Porsche goes with Vegas to resolve the gang issues even though Kinn rejected that offer because he was scared for Porsche's life. In ep 8, we find out that Porsche's parents had something fishy about their accident and that Kim was investigating and believed that it was someone related to their family that caused it. We take a break from that to go into the discovery of the traitors (Vegas, Ken, and Tawan) in ep 9 and 10. Then we pick it back up in ep 11 when we find out that Mr. Korn covered up the case about Porsche's parents' death. In the same episode, Mr. Korn who had previously been discouraging Kinn about being with Porsche decided he was all of a sudden be so magnanimous and accommodating and let the two of them cohabit and date openly and even bringing Porchay into the house. It looks like guilt of some kind but contextually speaking it could never be that because we know what this man does for a living. at the beginning of ep 12, we go down that road when Porsche accidentally finds out about how he was manipulated into working for the main family go down that road, and that's when we start discovering the real Korn. How manipulative he can be and how underhanded. He lies to Porsche about his parent's killer. Weaves a whole narrative that is plausible to Porsche and at the same time still shitty and if uncle Thee had not come out of the woodwork with his picture I bet you Porsche would've been none the wiser. Ep 13, Porsche spends it trying to find out the truth, we learn that uncle Thee has been on the run from the main family obviously because of him approaching Porsche and ruining Korn's meticulous plan. We also see that Korn is trying to get Kinn and Porsche out of town, proposing that the two of them go on a vacation when we all know that things are not exactly in a state where Kinn could afford one. And it all feels like an attempt to keep Porsche away long enough for Korn to get rid of Thee before the truth comes out to Porsche and not the truth he wants Porsche to hear. But Porsche of course runs off to Vegas and they find Thee before Korn can get his hands on him. Almost that the end of the episode after Porsche leaves the house, we know Korn knows that Porsche left the house. He calls Kim in for a meeting and we don't know what he tells Kim but we know that it results in whatever weird reaction that Kinn has in the hospital when his "death" was announced and the look he exchanges with Chan (Korn's head bodyguard his very telling). Even before the news about Korn's death rolls out Kim warns Kinn that he needs to not think about other things right now (Namely Porsche) and that shit was about to go down with the main family if they caught wind. Of course, we find out, Korn faked his death, and everything that we learned in the past 13 episodes actually cumulated to what happened in the last ep which is Korn appointing Porsche as the head of the minor family. And all that I've laid out from the top of this comment till now explains why it wasn't random at all or out of nowhere. Porsche being the head of the minor family had always been one of Korn's endgames. As I mentioned from the beginning Korn knew that his brother's machinations were messing with his hold on his own power and the main family's success. And after the situation with Kinn almost getting killed because of these machinations and after Porsche's intervention and him seeing Porsche again and his potential. Korn decided that Porsche was the perfect missing piece to his little puzzle. He obviously had been holding on to his sister for a while now for a variety of reasons, one of them being that she could be a very useful card to destabilize his brother Gun who we know has been and was still in love with her before his untimely demise at the hands of Korn and who we know was the source of Korn's headaches. Korn knew needed to stabilize his power/the main family's power and in order to do that he had to take out his brother but he couldn't just kill his brother unprovoked, he had to make it look good and had to basically pull out all the rotten roots within his own organization in the process. In order to be able to get rid of his brother, he also needed somebody that he could control to take his place, and obviously, that wasn't about to be Vegas because we have established that Vegas hates the main family's guts and that he would never align himself with them like that. He needed to groom someone of his own and teach them a few things about the business (which explains why he was so adamant about Porsche shadowing Kinn so bad and why he handed him the head bodyguard Position so easily at the beginning of the show). He needed someone that he could control and that had versatility in what they could do and become because they are a blank canvas and that was Porsche (which explains why he compared him to the queen). And it was important that Porsche be indebted and beholden to him. He had Porsche's mother all along and he obviously was planning on unveiling that fact to Porsche but on his own terms. He spoke a lot of half-truths in the finale and one of those was how he had been waiting for the day that Porsche could reunite with his mother again but that's about all the truth there was to that statement because he probably had his plans as to how that would happen but as you can see shit hit the fan before he had the chance to set that up to his utmost liking. So he had to play a different game. Korn is nothing if not resourceful and flexible we see him change his approach to Kinn and Porsche throughout the series multiple times. The one thing that stayed consistent was his firm determination to keep Porsche under his thumb and control one way or another. So after Porsche ran off with Vegas to find out the truth about his parents, he knew that he had to act right then and there. First, he called in a meeting with Kim (his only other son would be a good candidate to succeed him in case Kinn dies in the crossfire of what was about to happen and that explains why Kim was so set on letting Kinn know that he'd better focus and not fuck up cuz we know he doesn't wanna have anything to do with the family business), but we never saw the result of that meeting. Next, he makes sure to send someone to get rid of uncle Thee before he spills it all and keeps his eyes on Porsche even while he is away (we learn that Porsche went home before coming to him with the gun). That gives him plenty of time to prepare for faking of his death and coming up with a version of the story that would be close enough to the truth to confuse the fuck out of Porsche, in the eventuality that his brother, who he knows will be attacking as soon as news of death reaches him, decides to tell Porsche his version of truth also. Which BTW matches what Porsche's vision was in episode 13. Korn very much knew that the moment gun thought he died or was somehow out of the equation, his brother would show his true colors and attack and everyone who sided with his brother and/or was not loyal to the main family would align themselves with Gun and they would all be taken out at once. And he would be able to transfer his brother's power to whoever he picked without a fuss. This would also serve as a test of Kinn's leadership and Porsche's loyalty and that is very much emphasized during the episode as well. The rooftop scene with chan asking Kinn what his plan of action would be from now on and how he would rise to the occasion is an example of that. Another example was Kim telling Kinn he didn't have time to be thinking about other things, and of course, the Board meeting with the questioning of Kinn's authority is another emphasis. And on Porsche's side the very obvious phone call conversation between him and Vegas, and the emphasis on that whole conversation with Kinn where Kinn tells him he needs to be on the main family's side to which Porsche replies with his famous lines: "I’m not on the main family's side, I'm not on the minor family's side, I'm on your side". And I'm convinced there's a reason this line is repeated twice in the episode, but I digress. Korn's selfish and power-hungry ass didn't care how many lives he had to sacrifice in order to smoke out his brother and as I mentioned he was ready for almost every eventuality. Even Kinn's and Porche's death (him calling in Kim for a meeting in ep 13) and I have the strangest feeling that if the two of them had passed in the crossfire this man would have turned around and groomed Porchay to take on the role of minor family head and would have handed his succession to Kim. The point is this transfer of power to Porsche was not random at all, it always was one of Korn's endgames. And Porsche was the perfect queen and he just had to take a different approach in getting him into the perfect position to protect his current King (Kinn) and to hold down the fort so that he could stabilize his organization and solidify the power that was slipping away from him due to his brother's machinations. And then once that was done, he could then focus on growing that power and settling the matter of his successor once he passes away (which right now it looks like it's Kinn but it could easily change knowing Korn). Korn was never worried about whether or not Porsche would agree because he had Porsche's mother at his mercy, and locked up somewhere this whole time and ready to use her at any given point as he saw fit against whoever he saw fit. And we saw how he used her on Gun there at the end and broke him and then shot him point-blank. He may not have been able to predict that Kinn and Porsche would fall in love with each other. And it is obvious that he was against it at first but once he figured out how to use it to his benefit, he adjusted the plan to fit into his original vision. And It became easier for him in a way that explains why he decided to accept their relationship so easily and also why he gave Kinn permission to go after Porsche in ep 12 when he first finds out about his parent's car crash being covered up. He needed Kinn to be as close to and as trusted by Porsche as possible and the more in love and together they were the more he could also use Kinn to make Porsche move how he wants him. Idk If you noticed in the final ep but even as he appoints Porsche as the head of the minor family, he doesn't hand him the ring directly, he gives it to Kinn who then offers it to Porsche, insuring himself that Porsche would take it. He hides behind Kinn the entire time after Porsche finds out that he has been lied to by Korn again and again. He did manage to get Porsche where he needed him to be but there's also a pitfall to how it all happened because it is obvious by the number of lies he had to tell and the number of times he had to change his approach to Porsche that this wasn't his original vision exactly of how it would go down. Korn lost Porsche's trust and it is rather obvious which brings me back to what I was saying about Porsche's famous lines: "I’m not on the main family's side, I'm not on the minor family's side, I'm on your side". Repeated twice in the episode which I'm 95% convinced is not a coincidence or just random or even just purely for sentimental reasons. The first time this line appeared was when Kinn asked Porsche if he believed Korn about gun killing his parents, and continued to say that if he believed Korn, he should side with main/major family. It was written on Porsche's face that he did not believe Korn which is why Kinn panicked and pointed the gun at him until Porsche told him he was on his side. I think Kinn chose to see this as Porsche saying he was on the main family's side which again is not what Porsche said at all. Because we have established since ep 13, and his conversation with Vegas that he doesn't trust anyone in the main family (anyone but Kinn) or the minor family. The second time was in the last scene between them. Kinn was talking about how there would no longer be a main and a minor family because they would be unified and Porsche's response to that again was " I told you, I’m not on the main family's side, I'm not on the minor family's side, I'm on your side". To me, that read very much like "I don’t trust this whole organization and division y'all have and I don't trust your father's intentions, but I trust you and my love for you so whatever I did and whatever I choose from now on is to protect you and those I love." Porsche doesn't trust Korn but he knows that he needs to be in a position where he can 1) be of help to Kinn, and protect him and 2) have enough influence and power of his own to find out the truth for himself and even take Korn on if he has to. So, it makes absolute sense why he would accept the minor family ring. I suspect Porsche has a plan and I hope we see him take action in season 2. I also hope to get more insights into Kim's mind and what he knows in season 2 of KP because he is one of my favorite characters in the show and in a way he is the one I think resembles Korn the most in terms of how calculated he is in what he does. On a side note, I wanted to point out something you may have missed about Porsche's mother since you guys touched on the theory that she might be faking her memory loss which I am now 90% sure of since I made that observation. At the beginning of ep 14, in Porsche's flashback, she was talking about how the little birds represent freedom and how he wished for Porsche and Porchay to grow up free and strong like birds. Especially the phoenix which Porsche shows her a drawing of one that she drew in the past. And in the final scene when Porsche and Porchay come into the study where she is painting if you pay attention to what she is painting, you can see that she is painting birds in pairs like her two sons. Coincidence? Again, I think not. Of course, there' was also the off look on her face as if she was forcing herself not to react to them but that observation kind of cemented that thought that she's faking for me even more. This is the end of my dissertation in your comment section. :)


Wow, thank you for spelling this out so clearly! I missed a lot of the details. I did notice the emphasis on "I'm on your side" rather than on any family's side. Porsche may have been ignorant of the inner workings in that world at first, but he knew no one in it could be trusted. Which Korn and others kept reaffirming.


This was everything and more of what I felt about Korn. Thank you for writing it out better than what I ever could have written. Bravo!


THANK YOU! I agree with this and your analysis explains why Korn was against Kinn and Porsche being together in the beginning and then 180 just fine later. I also wonder if the guys that attack Kinn in the beginning where send by Korn, like the sencond “wave”. Because the first “wave” of bikers were using helmets and had no disregard for firing guns. But the guys with the machete, where totally different and never really fired kinn, they kind of chased him directly to Porsche, so that makes me wonder if Korn send them, specially at the end when one is about to shoot and the other guy tells him “calm down” and lets Kinn and Porsche just go. Also the girl that Porsche was with, could have been planted. Just a thought