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I read in a comment in chapter 122 that some people would actually be willing to pay for Gold Tier if they got two chapters a day and I got an idea. Instead of letting the Gold Tier be a vanity rank, I decided to put some benefits to it.

Now, I can't promise I can write two chaps daily. But sometimes I feel extra and want to write more, but I never had the incentive, now during those days I will post double chapters. At least until Gold Rank reaches 20 chapters in advance.

For now, it is not a regular thing. But eventually, we should be able to get it to twenty chapters in advance.

P.S: If you have any questions, feel free to ask.



Would the silver tier still maintain its release schedule?

Victor Link

Any thoughts on publishing/audiobooks.


Sounds nice but don't let yourself burn out man


Let us know when the schedule is consistent and I'll sign up!

Matthias Schwalm (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-23 13:41:11 Oh very tempting indeed. I always enjoy it if higher tiers have a higher release frequency. It just gives more to patreons than getting everything a week earlier. Anyway, thanks for the story, it is one of my absolute favourites at the moment!
2024-06-21 17:52:09 Oh very tempting indeed. I always enjoy it if higher tiers have a higher release frequency. It just gives more to patreons than getting everything a week earlier. Anyway, thanks for the story, it is one of my absolute favourites at the moment!

Oh very tempting indeed. I always enjoy it if higher tiers have a higher release frequency. It just gives more to patreons than getting everything a week earlier. Anyway, thanks for the story, it is one of my absolute favourites at the moment!


I have a contract with Aethon, they deal with that part. I just deal with the writing part. But if the book does well on Kindle, they will probably do an audiobook.


I wouldn't pay for 2 more extra chapters, but definitely 20 extra


For me you do what you want as long as the quality of the story and the chapters remains the same. 👍 Above all, it's about paying attention to yourself, since you already have a fairly high publication rate.🫤 If there is a moment you need to take breaks to get back into the story, and think about the rest of what you write, let us know and personally I won't mind waiting a few days to get quality.❤️👌


Yep, that is understandable. I have been thinking for the longest time about the benefits for the gold tier. So that comment in chapter 122 gave me an idea.


Please get at least one extra chapter by around the 25th, which is my pay day for you. Because then I'll have justification (another chapter), and I'd get the full month's worth out of it. Otherwise I would've jumped tiers now, already.

Tejas Patel

I'd happily pay, I've been considering paying without any benefits just to show support for how amazing your story is. Just don't let the quality drop, I've seen countless other authors start pumping out more chapters for more money only for their novel to turn to trash


I think you have it right. Some people can execute two chapters daily on a consistent basis and it's pretty insane to see. I think a 20+ chapters ahead with a slightly more frequent release than once a day to take advantage of when the author is feeling motivated is a fine compromise. I would say the funny thing about readers is that nothing an author writes is ever going to be enough. Right up until it is too much. Readers are like children in that way, we consume until we get belly aches and then get annoyed about it. So maintaining the quality of the story and physical/mental health is more important than paying mind to the loudest hatchlings in the nest.


Quality of Chapters > Amount of Chapters.


You're an inspiration and a legend


Well time for gold tier. Anyway, how would you feel about taking a hiatus in xianxia story tradition? It'll help you build up a back log and keep some stress off your back man. Hell you could even do some world building during the hiatus by exploring other POVs. 2 different POVs per week and come back fully in a month.


Nah, one of the fun parts of writing is reading the comments and people's thoughts on the latest chapters. lol Also, it would be kind of a dick move to do that. The story is thankfully all planned out so it isn't like I will be stuck in a block of some kind where I won't know how to develop the story.

Undead Writer

YEEEEESSSSS!!!!! Sign me up! I NEED MORR!!

Undead Writer

What about a physical book? I LOVE having physical books of novels to show off on my bookshelf and share the book with others who have never heard of these smaller but great authors. If you ever get a physical book ready, I’m buying it!


You should be careful, this seems unsustainable


Don’t burn yourself out for the bread


Just don’t burn yourself out man!


As others beat me to saying, don't burn yourself out.


I can see 2 peeps already said this but don't burn yourself out

Haris Sivic

I read all the chapters you post twice aldready, so it wouldn’t change much for me 🤓


Rn chapter 123 is the newest for the 10$ tier. How many are there currently on the 20?


I noticed that Chapter 124 is currently locked behind the new tier. I am curious what is the new timeframe (Timezone etc) for when chapters get lowered into the silver program