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Hello everyone, a big announcement for the Patreon here.

I've been thinking the last couple days and tonight had one of those nights again where I had a lot of thoughts going through my head. Basically I am going to remove the Tier 5 from the Patreon and here is the reason why:

Tier 5 patrons received monthly illustrations from me but over the last few months and the influx of Patrons (which btw. I immensely appreciated and helped me out a ton) I found myself also immensely stressed out producing monthly requests + patreon illustration + commission work + ect. It basically doesn't allow much free roam for myself to work on other projects or to learn new stuff and feeling extremely suffocating as a work invironemnt. 

It will be a big cut from my monthly income and I am sorry to everyone who specifically subbed for that reason BUT this will be an huge improvement for me mentally and that is right now more important to me than the money.

Thank you very much.



What’s most important is your health, if this is what you need to do we understand. Your art is great and we are here to support it!


You right


Your mental health is important and glad your doing something to help it. Your a awesome person Steve.


Good decision sir