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If you wanna skip my thoughts and yapping in the beginning, the episode starts at 25:56 :)




p.s. as we now have the final group number (though I'm still holding out for an extra pd pick or two) here's my top 6 as of right now:


Koko has finally broken into my top picks. Her growth and last couple of performances really sealed the deal for me. I still love Mai with my whole heart and she's hovering right there still but if you asked me to pick 6 to debut right now, these are who I'd go for.

Also, I didn't actually say it in the reaction but the whole Sujung situation with her talking about Mai makes me feel super icky. Yes editing and framing can make things seem worse than they are and that could very well be the case here BUT at the end of the day she still sat there and said those things and the fact that Yuju and Jiyoon were both like ???? says a lot to me and it just puts the worst taste in my mouth. I'm glad someone was there to call her out and help Mai. Yes it's an individual competition and you're not obligated to help each other here, that's absolutely fine, but if you're not, don't be that person that just talks about them behind their back instead y'know?

Also also just some general performance thoughts: overall it’s a toss up between LVER and Lovesick Girls for my favorite performance BUT Jiyoon I think had my favorite individual performance of the episode (with the rest of my top 6 plus Gyuri coming in strong as well).

Anyway this was A LOT in one episode and I fear it's just gonna get more intense from here so buckle up everyone and let's root for an end to the Jiyoon/Jungeun civil war so they can debut together in peace lmao (I will drag Jungeun into this debut lineup with my bare fucking hands if I have to)




We have the same top 6, the order is just slightly different for 3-6. :D That said... having only 6 spots is really tough. I'm hoping that there'd be a surprise 7th member for the PD pick but. *sigh* I was really frustrated because it was definitely possible to at least get the screentime for the feedback for ALL the girls, they just chose not to. They could've cut other parts so we get Jungeun's, Fuko's, Gyuri's, and Juwon's feedback too. Aside from the first few minutes where they were touring the 2nd floor, Juwon, Gyuri, and even Fuko disappeared in this episode. :( I hate the audience votes. It's just like a mini version of the online save votes for the South Korean side. I hope Jungeun and Juwon aren't too down about it. :(( Mnet definitely likes the tall trio, and I am totally on board. If Gyuri retains the 6th spot for this performance, then we get The Three Towers in one room and then Gyuri with her Parents in the next room lmao.


PS: I couldn't help but remember XG's cover of I Am The Best for KCon last year and at one point here when they sang "naega jeil jal naga", I immediately sang "T-t-thank god I'm fly" because of the slight remix XG did before. Haha.


Rewatching the episode after a few days have passed and with your commentary is always a nice way to experience the show again. I gave my initial thoughts in the discord of this episode and I was not happy about a lot of things. Having a few days to think about things and hearing what you think definitely helps me have a more level head when it comes to this show lol. Overall, I enjoyed this episode a lot more on the rewatch. I was able to appreciate the performances a lot more and not be so upset with the various mnet edits. With that said the Sujung stuff is still really disappointing. My feelings are the same as they were and are also what you said in your write up, that you never really know the whole story of these edits because it's what MNET wants you to see, but she still said what she did and the other girls reacted the way they did, so unfortunately it's just not a great look for Sujung. Since she has been my co-favorite, it's been tough to know if I still wanted to vote for her or not still. I decided to continue to vote for her for now. I dont think she is a mean person, she's just said a dumb thing and wasnt very compassionate toward Mai. I also feel like this show has pushed Sujung to be more selfish, which is hard to blame her for when you look at how tough the show has been for her. I do think this is probably ruins any chance she had at making the final group, which I think were probably slim to begin with. As for rankings, I think your ranking is probably pretty close to spot on to what the final group will be. I think Jungeun is the big question mark of your 6. I think that spot might go to Sarang or Yuju. I personally dont really know how to feel about Jungeun. The whole Jiyoon angle I dont care about, that's all MNET doing, I just havent been overly impressed with her. I think she is a great singer, but her overall performance isnt as good as most girls imo. Again though, I think she is sa very good singer so I obviously wont mind her making the group. I very much like your other top 5 though and would be thrilled with that lineup.