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Hi! Thank you so much for choosing to support me here! It means the world regardless of whether you choose to stay for a long time or just the one month - every little helps and all that! You choosing to support me here is allowing me to continue doing something I love and in return I promise to do my best to supply you with the best content possible.

A couple things to be aware of now that you've signed up:

  1. I have recently moved all content from Dropbox onto Vidyard. While Vidyard does embed here, you'll have to click the "watch video" button and go to the actual Vidyard page to view it

  2. We have a Patreon only Discord that you are welcome to join and get involved in if you want to (no pressure!). If your Discord account is already linked to Patreon then it should put you in automatically. If it isn't, you should be able to link the accounts through your settings and Patreon should do the rest from there

  3. I am currently working on a few things to make it easier to navigate all the content here. In the mean time, everything is at least tagged appropriately so you should be able to find what you're looking for through the tags or through the search function

Okay that's all from me! Thank you again for your support - I hope you enjoy your time here :)


Added: 2024-02