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Yessss love this pairing so much! Cid just casually smoking a cigarette is so great.


Oh lord yes! Cid does know the best ways to train his pup! Giving said dog his favorite treat/bone to munch on as a reward for a job well done. Cid enjoying a tasty view watching his happy boy Gav devourer him. Gav a messy eater letting it all over him or one of the few who can take him whole deep troath him all of Cids mighty staff? Lewd thoughts cant help think he is doing planning or meetings letting Gav have his fill, or Clive walks in with Cid being like "wait your turn pretty boy for your feeding", ask if he wants his turn to fill gav, or casually talk missions to him or others. Gav is listening but the hound gotta eat his fill before scouting for his next mission. Sorry for all the bad rambles lol, ya art is really something else. Great work!


Thats actually really a hot idea - Cid talking shop with Clive - Gav having frozen when whoever came in (he doesnt know - he cant see) and Cid being like 'Did i tell you to stop?' Thank you!