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Omg I love Gladio’s >;) expression and Prom’s “intimidated but still into it” 🤣


Hot very very hot! great work! Gladio having a very large sword he do be lugging around. And he damn proud of it! Hung like a horse!Same Prom lol ya cant look away either! Smug Gladio enjoying the praise or teasing the poor boy. Or Gladio do the ping against wall thing teasing if he likes what he sees, offers Prom he can touch or do more with it, Gladio grabs Prom towel like I showed you mine can I see yours? with a hungry glint? Pushing the fluster boy back into the shower stall letting the running water drown out all their moaning? Or taking Prom to bed for an activity that will heat and dry them off... if not make them even more filthy lol. Sorry rambles ya giving me many ideas of how this scene can continue lol. Sorry rambles. But again great work! Ps also love the gladio body hair and his wet locks same with Prom they do take great care washing and styling their dos!