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Theyre arguing, this happens

theres no pics of the tattoo but very obvious ones where Noct has clearly 'hurt' Prompto

And the public are NOT happy with Noctis so pressure is put on Prompto to make a statement to clear up Nocts name

basically - hey so i have some sad boy scarring on there that I hide so i reacted really viscerally when they were potentially exposed

which is what the boys ASSUME happened

And its a horrible thing to ask of him but because hes a tiny bit relieved that his secret wasnt pasted over the papers he agrees to it

Things are still not good between him and the boys but hes probably also forced for the public image to hang out all smiley with them

And have them all concerned and worried for him

which to be fair they kind of are - theyre just frustrated with the shitstorm it became

Prom gets home after another exhausting day and theres a plain invelope waiting inside the door, no stamp or return address

Inside theres just one line

'I know that wasn't hiding scars'

And thus begins Promptos stalker side quest

And he cant say ANYTHING because in following letters they make sure he knows they know its the tattoo

So he can't go to anyone about it

I figure its a dirty glaive who saw the vaguest blur

and theyve seen it on the battlefield

And they figure they can use Prom to get money 

its just a rando glaive

because the boys will eventually get wind that something serious is going on

And i imagine it eventually gets to a hostage situation where the guy is taken out before he can tell anyone

Cor after would ask to see the letters

'I...I destroyed them...'

'It uh...it happened right after the um, the situation with the tabloids...I didnt want to cause any more trouble...'

The boys are like D: WELL WE FEEL AWFUL

hes fully lying XD

it just works in his favour for once


How unsafe would he feel around the Glaives

when they actually have seen the tattoos in battle

Noct would feel so bad

i felt the argument was about the pants XD

the boys feel they have an image to maintain and prom dresses a bit out there soemtimes

When he arrived at their meeting spot Ignis sighed and Gladio huffed

Noct decided to badly intervene

and Prom was like 'if youre embarrassed by me i dont have to be here'

'omg youre being ridiculous'

'Sorry my feelings are hurt by you guys deciding my clothes arent designer enough for the royal entourage

'thats not-'

'you know some of us have to thrift clothes Noctis, because we're not able to buy new and CERTAIN clothes are cheaper for a reason...I just happen to also LIKE them'




All I'm thinking about is Prom dealing with the stalker situation WHILE ALSO feeling like the concern the boys are showing him is just cuz of the tabloids. Like. Its full days of pretending. At least, if is for him. Because even tho he was the hurt one in the situation, its still his job to fix it. So any concern the boys show is just shrugged off. Its probably why the glaive situation even GOT to hostage level. The lines of fake and genuine got blurry. Poor Prom more antsy than ever.

Yayis Adriana

Prom's scared face in the last one is just so.... I need to hug him and protect him forever. I love this so so much. As always the work you make with expressing their feelings is wonderful. ❤️


YESSSSS yes yes yes!! He would have serious trust issues with the boys. Omg Kiwi imagine a situation where the boys do soemthing nice/out of concern and Prom looks a bit confused - 'We're not in public anymore - you dont need to keep it up' This could even be after and it rattles the boys when they realise the extent of the damage that theyve done. This is such a good take tho - like he probably could have worked out some way of seeking help out if he felt like help would be forthcoming