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Noctis swears he can hear Proms ribs creak under the boot as he tries to push himself up be he's reached his limit and blown past it.

Stamina is in negative numbers - he can only watch what happens from here while he sucks in desperate breaths.

(Couldnt decide on the darker or vibrant red so...both.)




Both are equally striking! And I love the difference between the ones where Prom is out of focus vs. in focus.


Ohhh the foreground and blur effect is so good! I love the depth this piece has and the way it feels like a camera shot. 😀😳😨 Except now I'm thinking about it ACTUALLY being a camera shot if Prom's camera got dropped and this is the view. 💀💀💀 I love the dark blood but the vibrancy gives it that more "we're still in danger" feel 🥲🥰


Man the fact that Ignis and Gladio are both knocked out cold hurts too...knowing they can't protect Noct if the bad guy(s) decide to focus on him instead ToT


Uwh poor Prom! This is beautiful


Yessss, and you know who ever it is is STRONG seeing as they've done this damage. You have to wonder are they trying to extort info from noct, was prom the target or is this them finishing the 3rd Knight to move on to the king 8D


That's such a great idea, i can see it playing out, the camera going in and out as it loses focus. Thank you!


That was what i really was drawing it for xD to have that blur effect xD


It doesn't look like Ardyn's shoes so it makes me wonder who could be so overpowering