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So in Rebirth Cloud is a bit of a photographer and well if that didnt cross the lines

Im thinking Barret probably has a paper that spills all the shit on politicians

And hes like

'The Lucis Caelum have to be dirty - they can't be as high up without a few skeletons in their closet'

'Cloud - you're friends with that kid for the Insomnia Times - the one who's friends with the Prince'

'I am...?'

'So get in there - get us something worth writing about'

'Im not gonna fuck over Prompto for a story'

I figure Cloud totally unintentially gets an in

He says to Prom 'they want to do a story on your Royal buddy'

'Oh? what kind of story??'

'What do you think?' eyeroll

Prom smirks, 'Sure - you can tag along'


'Noct, buddy - I may have just solved your problem'


'You know that dickhead on the council that you want gone??'

That can be Clouds story - the need him cut out without ANY way to weasel back in

And Barret gets his corruption but its against the King

but corruptions still corruption

lol i just imagined


'Heyyy chocobutt!'

'Wait.....you're not choco...well you ARE BUT,not the one i meant'

Clouds in the job because Barret needed someone who was tough and fit to go places they maybe shouldnt but also a good photographer

Tifa was like 'I have this friend!'

And coerces him into it

While she swoons over the flowershop owner

'Noct has a cat'


Cloud like 'w...why would that matter'

I mean...I too can be persuaded by a cat...

'Bro your insta likes arent private...IVE SEEN THEM'

'.....' pulls out phone

i was planning on their big rivalry being Cloud using DSLR and Prom is SLR

he would want efficiency

Prom wants art

Ignis and Gladio GROAN when Cloud riles him up

'Can your readers even tell the difference?'

'The ones who MATTER CAN'

'Can you?' directed at Noct

'Uh, well, Im sure if they were side by side'


Nyx would grin at Ignis

and he would shake his head at him

'Ulric...so help me....'

He pulls the pin from the proverbial grenade

'You know you can do all that with a phone now'

Two heads whip around

'Wow Didnt know the king of Lucis hired morons'

'You are DEAD TO ME'


