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Cheeky pic of Claire to keep the Furious Angels hype train running. During today's stream JadedEntity pointed out that it reminded him of a pic from way back in 2009 (revel in the janky https://www.deviantart.com/callmeplisskin/art/Space-Girl-Claire-on-XYQ-117377317

I quite like the fact so many really old pics are still online and available. Reminds me how far I've come and that with enough practice these new pics will look as janky as the old old ones! :D Thanks for the patience on this one, gang. A day late is still late in my mind.

Stay safe, stay healthy and enjoy!

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Second of Many

Always great to see Claire naked and safely locked up in a cell. And I too was thinking of some of your earliest Claire pictures when I saw that. Looking forward to Furious Angels