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Full colour painting (in HD) -  Top Tier Thursday 28 - Aly interrupted 

I spent a few extra hours on this week's top tier exclusive as a way of making it up to you all for the AHMT fail this week! One of the top tier Rangers suggested sharing this with everybody as its one of my best to date.

Updated it on 31/07 - Tweaked a couple of details that were bugging me ;)

This one is a combination of requests from some Ranger Lieutenants! Mashing all the requests together makes this - Alynnya still at Ranger Academy and having some "private time" and using the unused stream sketch!

Mashing those requests together -   Even in her final year, Aly didn't have the money for a private room, but she saved up to buy herself a new toy. She also ordered herself a new book. She lost track of time and it looks like her roommate is home!

Top Tier Thursday series - most recent first 



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