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Here's a reminder on the new AHMT format! 

  •  I'll be posting the initial sketch on Tuesday so you can vote on what direction you'd like the picture to take! If you've got some ideas for where you'd like to see this pic go, feel free to share! I read them all! (Please note, AHMT requests is a reward for the $6.50 and above tiers)
  • On Thursdays I'll post the winning option's developed sketch and invite the Elites and above to share your ideas for the pic e.g. details you'd like to see included, variation ideas*
  • Then I draw it to post the following Monday!
  • I'm going to focus on quality over quantity for the variations. We might not always make it to 10, but we will have exclusives for every tier.

We'll work out the kinks (ha ha) in the new format over the next weeks! 

Stay safe, stay well and enjoy!

* Caveats (version 1 - we'll refine this as time goes on)

  • I'll try to include as many ideas as I can, but there is no guarantee I can include them all - it's nothing personal, but some won't work or contradict the image etc. 
  • Variation ideas will be based on Ranger tier. It wouldn't be fair to have a Ranger Elite request something and only show that in the Top Tier versions. 
  • I don't block those who cancel their pledges, but those votes and ideas won't be counted / included.



One idea I just had from a line in MK11 Aftermath because I'm a man child, slightly modified. "Take her to the bone temple!"