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I’m going to auction 4x 1 hour stream slots this Sunday and you, as Rangers, get first refusal.

The slots available (all in UK time) are 12-1pm, 1.15-2.15pm, 2.30-3.30pm, 3.45-4.45pm

  • Each “slot” is 1 hour. 60 minutes displayed with on-stream timer - I will pause timer in case of interruptions from my side. 
  • Opening bids are $15 USDpaid via http://ko-fi.com/cmptips (which uses PayPal.) Ko-fi operates in $3 USD increments.
  • Place your bids in comments section below.
  • If you have a preferred time slot for you commission, please state it in your bid.
  • This is an auction and you can increase your bid to secure your slot.
  • Unsold auction slots will be offered on other sites (dA, HF, twitter and newgrounds)
  • Auction closes Friday.
  • Payment and picture briefing must be sent on Friday. The slot will be forfeit if you miss this deadline and offered to another bidder on Saturday.
  • You’re welcome to use a past AHMT - request a damsel sketch as the basis for your picture
  • No underage characters, real people (celebrities or otherwise) or characters from children’s media in raunchy, sexy, kinky or XXX pictures. 




I’d better go to $42 then, again preferring 1:15 but flexible.


I’ll up my bid to $42 for whatever time slot.