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Well, that concludes our first attempt at a month-long mini-story directed by the Rangers. Not entirely sure it worked (let me know what you think in the comments below) for the same reasons the past attempts to do this kind of thing. Kinda tricky from my point of view - I want give y'alls the opportunity to request pics and show my appreciation for your support, but very few Rangers submit ideas. When it comes to telling these little stories, I think people view them in isolation instead of being part of a whole. For example, AHMT #103 left Claire in a tube, on the front of spaceship, in deep space. Not easy to wrap that up. 

So, yeah, let me know in the comments below what we should do with AHMT in the future. Doing weekly requests *sounds* good, but less than 5% of patrons submit ideas. Telling short stories also sounds good, but unless the story is *directed* it becomes impossible.





I enjoyed the mini-story idea it just got to the tube and I was stuck on what to suggest next. Perhaps in future avoid ideas that might box the story in. Unfortunately as we are short on rangers that suggest it has had an impact. Personally I would love to see next month focused on a Leena story. Maybe show what she was doing while Claire was playing pirate? I also think it would be a good spark of creativity to introduce some villain characters as a foil for both Claire and Leena. Pellagrian would be an obvious pick. Perhaps have pictures that work both in isolation but also contribute to an overall story. This may well require more discussion.


I agree with Jaded that Claire and Leena need a villain. The villain is the most memorable character in every great SciFi classic. My SciFi tastes are very Blade Runner and dark Cyber Punk, so I tend to hold off on suggestions. I also agree discussion with final arbitration from the artist is required.


This worked for me! I thought the four pics segued nicely.