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Glarby glarby blargh blargh blargh. 

Top tip for story-tellers among the Rangers - it's really hard making up a nonsense language. I tried borrowing the neighbour's cat and having it walk over the keyboard, but, and this might come as a surprise to some, cats aren't big on dialogue writing. Live and learn, eh?


PPS - welcome to the new Rangers who've joined us this week! Make yourselves at home, enjoy the comics and drop by #The-Devils-Due on our Discord and say "glarby glarby!" (we have the friendliest and most welcoming chat group in the history of the internet!) 




Cats aren't big on that? I am surprised! Re: nonsense languages, yeah I hear ya. Been a thorn in my side as well.


I don’t know if it was difficult to draw Aly’s face upside down at that angle in the first panel, but it’s a really interesting perspective—well done!!