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Here's the plan for AHMT #100 - we'll either have Alynnya do an AMA (Ask Me Anything) mini-comic with questions from y'alls - OR - I'll recreate this Space Girl Claire, Leena and Aki pic https://callmeplisskin.deviantart.com/art/All-Three-Bound-and-in-Trouble-115620988 from 2009 - OR - I'll recreate that pic with Alynnya and friends.

If you've got questions you'd like Alynnya to answer, please leave them in the comments below, on the #AHMT-requests Discord channel or direct to me via a Patreon message.



I join in the consensus thus far for an Aly AMA, and would like to know what the most perilous situation she believes that she ever found herself in was.. Did it involve orcs? Dragons? Killer bunny rabbits? What were the specifics, inquiring minds want to know! :)