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This isn't so much just "Fan Art" about someone else's creation as it is fan art in support of an ongoing story that I am an active participant in.

There is a website called "Spacebattles.com" and it is devoted to a lot of science-fiction talk, but one page is devoted to collaborative stories. Basically, participants establish a government, some characters, and then write stories in a shared Star Wars setting. We frequently collaborate on over-arcing plots, sometimes providing "bad guys" and other dilemmas to overcome. 

I have a government called the "Sovereign Alliance of Systems" and it is based on Naboo. Above is the N3A1 "Super Peregrine" fighter I developed, based on the classic N1 design, for the story.

Above: the N2B "Gyrfalcon" heavy bomber.

The basics of the story are as follows: the Empire was destroyed and the New Republic established. But then, as told in the Dark Horse Comics series "Dark Empire", a Clone of the Emperor was created and he rallied the various Imperial warlords for one big attack on Coruscant, where the New Republic had esablished their government. 

In a massive battle, ALL the big name old characters were killed: Luke, Han, Liea and the others, fighting for the Republic, and the Emperor, Thrawn, Pellaeon, and so on fighting for the Empire. This "wiped the slate clean" and made us all establish new characters. The Galaxy had no leadership and so enclaves of pro-Imperial, pro-Republic, and pro-Confederacy governments sprang up all over. 

New "Droid Bomber"

New "Droid Fighter".



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