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More foolish nonsense from the world of bored mandatory classes and over-long meetings!

Yes, by all means, surprise (scare the hell out of) your family with sudden, surprise fire drills for family safety. 

Ohhhh, boy, soon the Girl Scout Cookie Offensive will begin! I can't wait!

We are supposed to maintain "General Awareness". He looks pretty aware, to me. 

"Don't wait until medical concerns are too big to tackle; don't try to 'tough it out' until it is too late". 

We were lectured on how important it is to get plenty of sleep-- stay rested, stay alert, stay alive, right? We're not the ones that need to be told this. Tell our commanders, they are the ones that don't get the word!

The time will come. 

I thought of this after seeing the movie "Hangover 2". I wonder how many drunken Sailors spent their entire shore leave in a drunken frenzy, and never knew what --exactly-- happened.

A "Class B Accident" apparently involved grievous injury and significant loss of equipment, but does not affect the overall ability of the unit as a whole to continue performing its functions. A "Class A Accident" would be an accident that *does* impact the ability of the unit to function. "Class C" would mean minor injury or materiel loss, and so on down the line. 

That concludes the "Mandatory Briefs" for now! Enjoy!




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