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Sorry I missed WIP Wednesday-- the week snuck up on my faster than I thought, and I even had stuff ready. It's been weird bouncing back and forth between my day job and my military training as we get ready for deployment...

Anyhow, let's take a look at... what the heck is happening here..?

 Ohhhh-kaaayyy. Um, Dance Dance Revolution, maybe?

 Not sure where we're going with this? Fear not, I wasn't sure myself, and I drew it!

 Oh, yeah, gotta start that camouflage thing, in patchwork pieces, as always.

Still trying to figure this out? I think you'll like it.

 I moved the Russian and Chinese soldiers back a bit, otherwise the American dude looked like a giant... or they looked like little pipsqueak guys, or something.

 And at this point we're pretty much done.

Trust me, once the dialogue and stuff come in, it will make... well, maybe not "sense" but at least the context will be clear. Enjoy!



Lilith Iden

For some reason so started Michael Jackson's "smooth criminal" playing in my head even before I spotted the disco ball

John Bandow

Abba's "Dancing Queen" anyone?