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Hey everyone. As you may know, I've made a lot of changes over the last year and it seems to have had a positive outcome. I've calmed down on that over the last couple months, but as of recently I've been brainstorming ways to further improve the content. 

One of the changes I'm considering is omitting the intro from the Full Reactions. The video would start with the reaction rather than me saying hello with the little intro discussion. However, this means I can dedicate some of that time to more of the outro/discussion. What do you think of this idea?

I'm trying to pause more often and give my thoughts that way instead of talking over the anime. I feel like I've been pausing quite a bit lately and not sure if that's enjoyable or not. Let me know. 

Speaking of the outro discussion; Have you noticed it's been a bit longer in some videos as of late? I've been trying to extend them. 

I'm also looking to expand out of anime reactions. Though, you've all heard that before. XD I'd like to check out live action and non-anime animation even if it's only on Patreon, but I'd like to start with a series that is closer to anime in length compared to an hour show. I would also be open to reacting to clips and other things like I see non-anime reaction channels do. Such as shows from TLC for example. Of course, I'd try putting these on a new channel, but if there are full versions those would be on here. 

Anytime I make a new channel to separate reaction content, I'd like those full versions, if available, to publish on here as a "one-stop shop" so to speak. 

I'd love to hear your feedback and any other suggestions you might have. I'm really trying to diversity myself and improve my over all content creation at the same time. 

Thanks dudes. 


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