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Hey WarriorZ. I want to apologize for the audio in this video. For some reason OBS wasn't using my audio filters such as Noise Suppression and the mic was picking up my PC fans and more. I am going to attempt to fix this before the next recording. 

Now this episode is what we needed! We learn that some people can synchronize with Althing and use powers without holding a Ballot. Pretty dang cool. We also find out who the first ace is!


Plunderer Episode 14 Reaction

Anriku's Plunderer Episode 14 Reaction!



A little Bit of Extra Information, since it looks like they left it out in the Anime: Alan punished the Students of Classroom A quite often, with Running Extra Laps around the Sports Ground since Licht was found peeping. But sadly, Licht especially never learned from it, and even 2 Weeks after Alan started that Punishment, he got more and more Tired, while the Students were Energitic as ever. In Order to do something, and while he was angry, he threw them into the Forest^^ When he returned to School, Schmelman asked Alan where his Students are, and he said in a Angry Voice " I Threw them away". Also, The Actions from Licht we saw in this Episode was what i was waiting for. He is a Pervert with every Fiber of his Body, but he has his Nice Side as we saw when he gave Saki his Jacket.