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Did he just say...Mikasa, Armin, and everyone else?! Ok, the gears in my head are turning. 


Attack on Titan Season 3, Episode 21 Reaction

Anriku's Reaction to Attack on Titan Season 3, Episode 21!



So it would seem that the only notable exception to the "Curse of Ymir" would be the Royal Family's Founding Titan, since we were shown multiple individuals who inherited as a teenager/young adult and lived to an old age to pass it onto the next generation, which far exceeds that 13 year lifespan... Maybe Eren has longer to live because of the Founding Titan, or perhaps, it's a unique trait for only Reiss Bloodliness...


RIP Ymir... And I say that based off her "It's not long till I die" comment in the letter, plus that memory scene where she's chained up to be eaten, much like how Eren was in the first half of Season 3..


They aren't immune to it either. They die in 13 years too.


Honestly, I'm rather worried about Eren, especially when it comes to how he'll develop from here, since everything that's happened "hasn't sunk in yet" and there's a chance he might be influenced by all the memories he's seen. I mean, while it's out of good intentions, he's still hiding stuff from his superiors, so there's a chance he might start acting independently or going rogue...


Yep. Brought this up in the last review. Its clear they have memories of the previous users so what role will that play in some of them?


No. that's not a flashback. That's a vision of her death. That person before her is the one who will eat her. I'm assuming said person is the Mule Titan/ It makes sense why would Marley allow her to live? She's not loyal, she even took on the name YMIR. Nah she knew straight up she was fucked as she went with them. She sacrificed herself.


Thats an interesting Comment i found under another Video: Eldians have lived for 107 years behind the walls made by King Fritz the 145th. If King Fritz was the 145th holder of the Founding Titan and every holder of the founding titan lived up to 13 years, then multiply 145 holders by 13 years and you get 1885 years since Ymir Fritz received her curse. Add the 107 years that Eldians have been inside the walls thanks to King Fritz to the 1885 years, and you get 1992 years. Eren only has 8 years left to live, so if you add 1992 and 8, you get 2000. The first episode of the first season is called, "To you, 2000 years in the future." And it opens up with scenes that will happen in Eren's future, such as Hannes' blood falling on flowers when he got eaten and Eren's mom getting eaten as well. There's a theory that holders of the Founding Titan can connect to the paths all Eldians share and see their memories, pasts, and even their futures


Quick note even if Zeke inherited the founding titans abilities since he has the royal blood he would just end up like Freida or Yuri being enslaved by the ideals of the first king of the walls thus renouncing war. Only reason Eren isnt probably is because he is not of royal blood


Mikasa is half eldian, half "oriental" (asian), if I remember right you see her family in season 1.


You might also remember in season 1 when Eren first consciously uses his titan powers, there is a flashback sequence of Grisha telling Eren that he has to master it to save Mikasa, Armin etc. I think Kruger saying that in the end is probably memories getting mixed up with Erens own experiences


If that becomes true, this isnt good...it means Eren will end up being changed by memories that aren't even his own but that also might be a good thing too.


That's right. Her dad must have been an Eldian. Her mother was Asian.