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Hey everyone! Hope you're all doing well today. You might have noticed that I have been doing reactions to series I put 'on hold' in the past. For example, The Seven Deadly Sins and Overlord were both stopped half-way through Season 1. We are no caught up on Overlord and well on our way into Season 2 of The Seven Deadly Sins. I wanted to make this poll for you all to vote on what series I'll be doing next once The Seven Deadly Sins S2 is complete. The options down below are series that I have covered in the past, but stopped. 

These are just four of the series on my compiled list, so there will other polls as we work our way through the list. I'll also be making a poll post for series I am interested in, haven't started yet want to watch. 



Looks like OPM is largely in the lead! Makes sense since season 2 is coming soon!