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Overlord Season 3, Episode 13 Reaction

Anriku's Reaction to Overlord Season 3, Episode 13! The Finale!



Man, I bet you seriously regret taking so long to get back into Overlord, huh? xD


Now I'm curious, how highly would you rate this series? Did it become a personal favorite?


- In the novel, during the scene with Momon, the Dark Hero stated that he could possibly defeat either Albedo or Ainz alone, but not the two of them at once. That and the noted threat of collateral damage were his pretexts for giving in to their "demands". The people of the city, of course, were highly moved by Momon's choice to "sacrifice his freedom in order to protect them". He also told them he suspects a third party might've used magic on the child to compel him to throw the rock in order to trigger a massacre and warned that they should inform him at once if they hear of anyone fomenting unrest as that could be the work of hostile powers trying to get them all killed (heavily paraphrasing, but that's the subtext he was implying). - The spell Ainz used to stop time is the aptly named Time Stop spell. According to Ainz, any serious PVP player in Yggdrasil has to acquire countermeasures against it by the time he hits level 70 to avoid getting timestop ganked by any arcane spellcaster worth a damn. More specifically, Ainz cast "Silent Magic: Time Stop" which eschewed the need for calling out the spell's name and reduced the casting time to zero (basically, the moment he mentally willed the spell to be cast it took effect instantaneously). This is the same spell he used back in episode 8 to end the "fight" against Foresight. While time is stopped Ainz cannot affect anything that is frozen in time, which is why he used "Delay Magic" on the True Death spell he cast on Gazeff. Getting the timing just right on delayed spells so that they'd go off the moment the timestop ends is a difficult still to master (only around 5% of players manage it), but Ainz had been an Yggdrasil addict for over a decade and has been practicing it A LOT so he's rather good at it. By the way, in case you were wondering, in one of the Drama CDs it was shown that characters with countermeasures against time magic continue to move normally when time is stopped. - While the adventurers who tried to slow down the Dark Young were killed instantly, Marquis Raeven nevertheless survived the massacre as the Dark Young were frozen in place by Ainz just as the tentacles of the one "chasing" him were about to reach him (he soiled his breaches though, which is understandable given the circumstances). Raeven was traumatized by the experience and retreated his domain.