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Hello, some people know that I had problems in my home and I had to find an apartment to rent. Well, the first place I found I spent several days making arrangements to rent it but the owner changed her mind at the last moment, so I had to find another place and start the arrangements from the beginning. The good side is that I have found another better apartment and I already have the keys. ^-^

Well, about charging this month, you will not be charged. I apologize for not explaining my situation a lot, is that I was somewhat down and I do not like to talk so much about my problems, sometimes it can be very annoying for the followers. I will only ask you to have some patience, I am sure that living alone and with the support of my friend Anhes I'll be able to dedicate myself to the drawing with more enthusiasm, and I'll even try to take commissions more often, since I will have to pay the rent, of course. :P

Thank you all for your support until now, and I hope to keep making this more and more often, like a job, but keeping the enthusiasm like a hobby. ^-^

PS: Sorry for my bad English, is that it costs me a little to write in English so I use a translator.



That's so nice of you! I wish you the best of luck!