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 🕳️👀❤️ It was close - but the votes are in.  📜 Henceforth, we shall call ourselves… DEEP PEEPS! Thank you to all who helped us decide.

Although the people have spoken, and #deeppeeps is here to stay… variety is the spice of life. So we hereby sanction the runners up -  #deeplookers and #macronauts - as *acceptable alternate names* for occasional use. 

If you feel like one of these describes you best, we get it. Seriously. GO FOR IT. You are welcome here.:-)  We may even use the alternates (on rare occasions) if the mood strikes us. But expect Deep Peeps to be the canonical name going forward.   

Much love to all of you, and our next episode - featuring a certain kind of ground-dwelling, 8-legged arthropod - will be published on January 15, 2019.  

Can you guess what it might be? HINT - It's not a tarantula, or a trap-door spider. But they're related.... 

We'll post a behind-the-scenes update about it here soon. Thanks! 🙏 

