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Here we have both completed pages of the July Oneshot (Plus an Alt). Killua and Alluka share a pretty spicy night / day / night and day (Who knows) together. This Oneshot is another delve into the idea of taking simple ideas and expanding on them a bit. As I mentioned last time, this is not something I will be doing all the time. But when I have the time for it, and a Oneshot which I feel would benefit from it, it's definitely a possibility which exists.

The bed they are using has a mirror on the ceiling above it. And the final panel is Killua looking up at the finished work through the mirror above him. I do like this as the final panel, but I also recognize that the effect of the mirror can get in the way of the nice view a little bit, so I created the alt where there is no mirror in the way and you can get a direct view of the scene. I also didn't bother putting this alt on a higher tier, since it's more of a QOL change, rather than a true alternate version.




This came out beautifully!! 😍The mirror thing is an interesting alternate take, and the colors are so appealing. Looking forward to more from you!


This is just amazing!!!