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My first time working with FMA. I haven't seen the show myself, but it is on my watch list and I am very much interested in checking it out some day when I get the free time to.

For this picture, I decided to experiment with how I do my simple-colour pictures. Previously, simple colour and full colour had been two totally different styles. But with this one, I wanted to experiment with making it more like a simplified version of my full colour style. Achieving a similar look, but with much quicker, simpler techniques. Overall, I think it turned out well. I won't be using this for all of my simple-colour art, but I do think having more options makes things better so that I can better choose what style fits with a certain image. And for this image, where I went into it knowing I wanted to work with more muted colours compared to my regular work, this style works better.

As for the characters themselves. I intentionally drew them more in my own style, rather than trying to replicate their looks in the source material. This, like I said, was an intentional decision, though it is one I am a little on the fence about. The person who commissioned the work to begin with likes the looks, so that's what matters. I suppose it's more-so just a personal thing when I draw characters, of trying to find that perfect ratio of having them in my own style, without deviating too much from the original designs.

Regardless of my yapping, I do like how this one turned out, and I'll be keeping this style in my bag for future works, when I think it will fit.




Nice work! I like how soft and warm the overall piece looks. And now that you have done something from FMA I am thinking that Envy would look great in your style!


looks awesome