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Hey guys sorry for the lack of updates!

My Ipad was getting glitched a week or so ago so I decided to sell it and found a good deal on a new Surface Pro 8. Taking me some time to get used to so art was coming out slowly (Plus 3 character pieces are always a big work as well D:)

With the Amane piece I might just removed the zombies and focus on her getting yurihandled by succubus, cause of audience feedback and totally not cos I'm mentally prepared to draw so much stuff in a piece atm 😰

Anywho hope you enjoy this piece and look forward to my next one! 



Izuko Gaen

All the girls in their swimsuits, I'm loving this piece 😍 Great work!


Amane sounds like she's gonna go through a lot :O Hope your new tablet lasts you for ages