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Alright, this is getting patently ridiculous at this point.  I've been perpetually playing catch up for what feels like a year and a half now and it's really starting to hurt. On top of my health issues last year, Wargaming has accelerated their premium ship release schedule.  I (foolishly) thought that with hard work, I could catch up and get back to releasing reviews just as the ships come out and spend time hanging out here but that's not happening.

I've been stuck in a perpetual cycle of "after the next review I'll have time to do X", only for yet another ship or two to be added onto the pile and another month to tick by.  My backlog now includes 20 ships released within the last 15 months.  I had hoped this number would go down over time but it hasn't.  Wargaming seems determined to continue releasing things at a break neck pace beyond a level which I can sustain at the current standard of reviews.  This has left me with no time to do anything else.  I've battled burn-out, compromised everywhere I could while preserving the quality of my articles and I still feel swamped.  

There comes a time when enough is enough.  I want to spend more time doing what I used to be able to do -- interacting with the community, having some fun with the game and not feeling like if I'm not working on the next review NOW NOW NOW that I'm a bad person.

Please reach out to me at AprilWhiteMouse#0536 over Discord.  I want to spend some time going over replays, talking about ships you guys want to see get reviews updated and maybe do some fun one-off evaluations rather than continually chasing the dragon.  If someone wants to put together a Discord channel where we can all hang out, I'd be on board for that too.  I'm sorry for not making one myself -- I came to the realization that I have no time to put it together and moderate it.  It would just be more work and more time I don't have.  Still, I'd rather spend a couple days of a week hanging out with you lot than feeling like I'm giving my life away to World of Warships at this point.

I'm being flooded with questions regarding Champagne right now and the pressure is already on to get that done and I need something to distract me so I can at least feel responsible while not crunching through yet more of Wargaming's content.




What you have done is amazing. Such an incredible amount of detail in your reviews. I'm happy with whatever you can offer us, and don't expect reviews of every new ship that comes out. Take care of yourself! Please!


Mouse, we appreciate your hard work. Take your time. Your fans really don't mean to put pressure on you. Ignore the rest.