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I haven't updated this page since May.  I let too many plates stop spinning when I got ill and this wasn't one of them I should have let get away from me -- not when you all have done so much to support me. Content has continued, and I didn't even update this page to let you all know.  I don't have any excuses other than to say I'm sorry and I will try to do better.

Here's the list of everything that should have been updated here.

May 15th - Lazo Review: http://shipcomrade.com/?p=2952
May 19th - Montepelier  Review : http://shipcomrade.com/?p=3004
May 21st - Yukikaze  Review : http://shipcomrade.com/?p=3026
May 22nd - Enterprise Slingshot Speed Values Article: https://forum.worldofwarships.com/topic/191759-enterprise-slingshot-speed-values/
May 31st - Cotninuous AA DPS Explained Article: http://shipcomrade.com/?p=3063
June 14th - Georgia  Review : http://shipcomrade.com/?p=3073
June 25th - How AA is Changing from 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6: https://forum.worldofwarships.com/topic/194826-how-aa-is-changing-from-84-85-and-86/
June 27th - Yoshino  Review : https://forum.worldofwarships.com/topic/194637-premium-ship-review-127-yoshino/
July 10th - Hill  Review : http://shipcomrade.com/?p=3183
July 20th - Benham  Review : http://shipcomrade.com/?p=3231
July 25th - Bayard  Review : http://shipcomrade.com/?p=3283
July 28th - Turn Distances over 30 Seconds Article: http://shipcomrade.com/?p=3371
August 30th - Lenin  Review : http://shipcomrade.com/?p=3045

I wish I could say that everything was better now and that I don't foresee any further delays in content production but I'm not 100%.  My priority going forward is to keep you all in the loop, address concerns and attend to rewards.  Any reviews I will be doing for the foreseeable future will be those voted for by you guys.

Thank you for your patience.  I feel absolutely awful about this.




No need to feel awful. You're doing a great service for us and the community. Take care.


No need to feel badly about it - However, I am glad to hear about these reviews. I missed that you had made them and look forward to reading them.


Absolutely no apologies necessary! You provide valuable insight and put many more hours into doing so than most. Thank you for taking the time to care for yourself, that's simply more important.


No worries. It takes longer to get well when you are stressing out over obligations. If you must feel awful about something, please do it because your're not feeling well and not because you think you are letting all your supporters down. I cannot speak for others but my support is much more about past research, work in which I continue to rely on, than it is about future expectations or deadlines.


Please do not stress out over self-perceived shortcomings. I have always been impressed by the quality of your work and appreciate your attention to detail. I am more interested in you becoming and staying healthy.


Take as much time as you need to take care of yourself Mouse. Get well soon!

Edward Liu

Mouse, I don't think you realize just how much some of us are grateful to your guides. YOU are the main reason I got into WOWS, to stick around and to try and get better, you are and always will be an inspiration to me. If you never ever posted to this pateron again, didn't make any content, and just left all the work you already made up, I'd still donate every month until I died. Thank you for everything and I'll always be grateful that your guides helped me. Take care <3


Feeling bad only makes things worse. We are here for you and we know you will continue your amazing contribution when the time is right. Be well and be happy.


Echoing everybody else - no worries. Take care of your health, we know you're doing the best you can. It's cool. Looking forward to what else is coming out. :)


Thanks for the update, you are still generating content and we can see that via the forums or ship comrade. Real life comes first, i hope you feel better and everything sorts itself out soon! Its nearly Xmas after all! :)