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Ok, first of all, i know I'm quite absent lately. Some of you might know that I recenntly joined the operation lovecraft dev team to work as an animator for the game (I'm still on the trial period but i think i'm doing good, slow, but good. Maya is a cruiel mistress xD) so i'm not being able to work giving my 100% ony any of both sides. I do have been working a lot more on the game because it's a great oportunity and i know I cna learn a lot, plus hey they money is always great :)
Don't panic, i don't have plans on closing patreon or anything like that, But I am considering several options on what to do sice first i gotta kmow how much time i'll be able to put on patreon. If my productivity towards patreon i would consider either lowering the tierprices or even remooving all tiers and keep it all as a custom donation patreon where you guys will be able to donate whatever you want.

Plus i've been even less active this last month because i've been having to organice my business and economical situiation due to this (you know, goverments always want their taxes cut) and I cna't play the pirate no more or i'll get in trouble for good. Plus i've been looking for a second hand car because my old one broke, guess you cna't treat a 20 year old bmw like it's a sportscar xD

And at the same time I've been trying to figure out what to do next in terms of animations, it's been a long time since i posted something i really was proud of (neytiri and andoird 2B animations) and despite i made that lord dominator one, i wasn't a huge fan of it. i liked the result but it's not the kind of thing i take pride on and i've been wanting fo find something that will work well both in VR and in non VR and ladies and gentlemen WE GOT IT
(see next post for more)



hey as long as you are still around enough to keep teaching it's fine by me. I'd be heartbroken if you closed your Patreon.


that won't happen :) I'm not closing patreon at all. worst case scenario i would delete the tiers and leave everything on the 1€ tier (except neytiri ofc)