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Kinda snuck up on him...




Hehe let the fun begin.

The Littlest Pitbull

Because God himself dun come on down from Above and touched yer pee pee.


Gosh I'm really getting the biggest crush on him. You had no business making him so hot

Lance Leoghauni

Really looking forward to his wild ride through these effects. Looks like they're already hitting strong~


That 💊 ain’t no regular viagra. That shit kicks in within like 15 minutes…so an HOUR…I wonder what the unique attribute of that thing will be…I hope it’s like a built in edger/teaser, so no matter how furiously you tug, or how hot the situation you’re immersed in, you feel just before the peak, but can’t quite breach the apex. Shit could you imagine? That’s literally the epitome of tortuous pleasure…I feel weird now…where am I?