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My illness has started, little by little, to recede. However, I still feel bad. It has a very negative effect on my ability to work. In addition, my children are sick. Unfortunately, I still can't get back into my work rhythm. Please forgive me for this!

I really hope that at the beginning of the New Year I will be able to work again like before! And even better! I've come up with some new features that I hope subscribers will enjoy. I won't, for now, talk about the innovations. If everything turns out well, I'll write about it separately.

As you can understand, I again had very little time and energy to work on the games.

Most of my time has been taken up with looking at various graphics assets for RPG Maker. I even bought a few of the assets. These assets are not out of style with the standard graphics sets of the engine. I will be adding new graphical elements to future game locations very soon.

In the meantime, I've started adding our old images to the game. The images are added as pictures that are hung on the walls in the locations. When approaching a picture, a balloon with an exclamation point appears above the player (perhaps this image will change in the future). When the exclamation point appears, you should press the Enter key (or the corresponding gamepad button) to see the enlarged image. A corresponding instruction about this action will also appear in the future.

At this stage of game development, not all the pictures on the walls can be viewed yet. But, very soon I will add this feature to the existing pictures, as well as add new pictures.

Unfortunately, I didn't have time this weekend to work on my second game, Final Exam. But I don't want to interrupt the development of at least one of the games. I hope that I, with your help and support, will succeed!

Working builds of the games are available for paid subscribers on Boosty and Patreon. Only old versions of the games are available for public access, as well as a prototype of Size Difference World. Most likely, the old versions will have little in common with the final versions of the games. I kept these versions to remember where it all started. It will be very interesting to see how it ends.

I ask everyone for one thing that is very important to me. Please, if you can, read all the previous posts about my game development before you ask any questions. It is very possible that the answer to your question has already been written somewhere... Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to answer all your questions. But I really have very little free time for communication. And I get asked a lot of questions every day. Most of the questions come to my e-mail helengiantesspost@gmail.com. I am very glad to every question! But I apologize for the fact that I can be very long with answers. And the answers to many questions are already in my previous posts. Game posts are very easy to filter on my Patreon by entering game development tag in search. All posts on Size Difference World and Final Exam games are available to everyone.

The working build of the game has been updated. The link is available to active paid subscribers.


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