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Gunner and Knives have been through a lot together, they basically grew up together and even have a very sibling dynamic.

If you remember that very first mini comic I did of Goonz and Boo, where Gunner is like “their pronouns are They/Them!” Knives was kidnapped then. And when Gunner got them back, he made it his job to teach Knives combat skills. Though their old care taker taught them how to fight, Knives always focused more on the tech stuff because it was more their forte, so after a while their skills in combat basically be-rid of themselves.

Anyway, Knives never really liked the idea of “submitting” to their name because they always thought it was stupid and all those years ago they hated them because of what happened in their past, and so they made it abundantly clear that they’d never touch one aside from cooking(and Knives is a great cook). But Knives struggled even more with guns when Gunner tried to teach them. Knives never found an reason to want to kill or hurt someone, the thought sometimes horrifies them, but for the sake of their protection, they agreed to train.

The only things Knives was pretty good at was reflexes and face to face combat. And even though Gunner knew how much Knives didn’t want to be “Knives”, he offered the suggestion. Knives could only agree and follow through. And unsurprisingly, fate would always know. Knives was excellent with the sharp melee weapons.

Later down the line after meeting Arson and Bide, near the mid-end of their journey, Knives ends up going on one of the missions and oh god— they get kidnapped again. Though, they have good reflexes, there’s not much you can do when it’s one against five.

The System found a way to do some hullabaloo magic shit on Knives and Knives is under their spell. Knives is in a state where they believe they are fighting the bad guys, but they are actually fighting their friends. Gunner ends up being one on one with Knives at one point, and this happens. Knives stabs Gunner, and Gunner somehow snaps Knives out of it (I haven’t worked the logistics behind this just yet, but it’s basically how it goes).

Gunner doesn’t die, but Knives is HEAVILY devastated and PTSD kicks in and Knives is once again traumatized.

When Gunner gets better, he finds Knives to tell them it’s not their fault. Knives still feels really bad, but then Gunner holds their hands while giving them back their knife and tells them something like, “You don’t use knives to hurt your friends/family, you didnt hurt me. It wasn’t your fault. Your name has nothing to do with the bad parts of what it can hold, you are a good person. So you find a way to make knives mean something good. Find a way to protect the ones you love. That is your meaning.” Or some sappy shot like that IDK I CANT THINK OF HOW TO WRITE IT OUT,, it’d probably be less wordy than that but,, Knives appreciates this and agrees.

Anyway. Hope you enjoyed that lore frfr. I wanna finish this up one day and hopefully share it. But for now, y’all can have the WIP!
