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Hi, there!

In case you have already read chapter 276, keep reading. If you haven't...


Uuuf. Now that's out of the way, let's get down to business.

Roth has just successfully signed a treaty with all the woodland factions. What kind of rewards should he get? Any suggestions? Any ideas? I have a couple, but I'd love to hear what you have to say.

Thank you for being awesome readers!



I’m an old gamer at heart but this still stands true. Fight on for everlasting peace. It’s a great achievement name and the reminder that peace is hard fought but does not require violence. As for tangible rewards I think there is a big one ripe for the picking. New races. The zoomorph shows the inherent strengths of the different animal races as a human hybrid. With the common races linked together as a new power block many new possibilities are bound to emerge. That said let’s steer away from a red wall scenario.


First of all, thanks for the feedback. Regarding the Red Wall comment... are you talking about the Redwall novels? I was googling about them, and it's funny how similar some points are with HCP. I'm feeling tempted to give it a read.


Hi Cassio - Firstly thank you for allowing us to be involve in the story making process. I think my fellow readers have some great ideas for the next chapter that I completely agree with. To not repeat what was said, I think it would be great that Roth be given something all of the guilds are looking for, the ability to get a prime piece of property in each major location. In this instance Roth, should be given the opportunity to acquire a piece of land that he can call as his own in green country that can be considered a safe haven for all animal factions he has a relationship with and for those that want to establish a relationship with him. This location should be somewhere between the Hilsford and Antioch but closer to the city like an outpost.