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What is your favorite side character in HCP?

The ratan monarch, Rattatoille?

The crafty burglar, Oli?

The righteous sargeant?

The wise mob captain?

I've been wondering whether I've been overlooking any cool side characters. Let me know who you would like to see more of!


liam coffin

I do enjoy the mob captain and how it brings out a more scheming political aspect inside the game


Honestly there is so many characters to choose from that it would be difficult to single them out entirely but I’m going to try my best to: I think animal faction leaders Roth has meant so far in green country would be great to delve into. Considering that each of them has entered into both a peace & trade deal with each other it would be cool if there is like a round table discussion to go over matters like the number of times they had to fight players or what does the union’s peace treaty with them equate to or how they actually generate certain consumables like the power truffle. On the human side, I agree with my fellow readers that some more on the sarge and the rest of the platoon, Roth’s family & their interactions in the game, the mob captain, the homesick dwarf and the peace corps justice, just to name a few. Since they all have ties to Roth or the union in different levels it would be great to see what they do when not interacting with Roth or Drake.