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Erotic Showdown is like 95% completed and I should technically be able to release it before the end of April... however... I received some bad news. One of the voice actress won't be available until next month and I am still missing audios from them... This is really unfortunate but also my fault. I should have been faster on contacting them, but I didn't want to do it before I knew I had all the animations ready for them to dub... So here's my idea.

I will still try to finish Erotic Showdown before the end of this month. If all goes well, I will be able to release it on Patreon but it will be missing lines / moans from one of the characters. I will add subtitles where they should be speaking and it won't be perfect but hopefully it will do until I get the lines and can add them to the video.

Now here's something I wanted to show you guys. A comparison of the number of scenes between The Prescription and Erotic Showdown. I guess I should say tho: Spoiler ahead.

As you can see Erotic Showdown has just about twice as much scenes as in The Prescription. This doesn't include the intros and outros, and Erotic Showdown should have pretty long ones as well.

As you can see, Erotic Showdown is indeed my biggest project yet. Hopefully it will be worth the wait.

Also as an important reminder: If you pledged anywhere since February 2020, you will get a link to Erotic Showdown when it's released. You do not need to keep your pledge active until then. As much as I appreciate the support, I understand not wanting to pay monthly for so long until I release a single video. Which is why I will definitely try to post monthly content again after ES is done and released.

As always, thank you for your patience and incredible support. You guys are the best. Until next time, take care.


Alec Randles

It’s up to you my dude, I’m fine waiting for it to be perfect


This will definitely be worth it, you’ve always put out such amazing content and I’m sure both versions will be awesome! Thank you for all your hard work! We truly do appreciate you. I hope you’ve given yourself time for yourself throughout the process, it sounds like it’s been pretty stressful.


It's been pretty crazy honestly, I think I'll sleep for like 2 days straight when ES will be released haha


Its all good, perfection takes time.

Draven Shadow

I say good things come to those who wait. 😎👍


Hey man if it takes another month so be it. Can't rush perfection.

Mark Lucas

Yeah I would rather wait another month man so you dont have to repeat releases. Why dont you just do something else to release in the meantime like another couple character bios, and then add the vocals in once you get them?


Fuck yeah! Although, I can't deny that having a missing voice actor would probably kill the enjoyment factor, in my opinion. I'm inclined to agree with those who've commented thus far that are willing to wait for you to resolve that, however as you've stated in this post and past posts, it's been a good long few months since you last posted a new video. I think for those who've been waiting, go ahead and post the video as you've described even with the missing audio file, while instead of an ES AC version down the line, I suggest maybe re-release ES with all the actors voiced for those of us who are willing to wait. Either way, we'll just have to see how it all goes down. I am looking forward to this movie, but I won't lie I'm very much looking forward to seeing some new content being released more steadily again.


I say release it without the voice acting on patreon and just update it for your public release.


I like the voice acting. It isn't the same without hearing Elysa say "Get pregnant slut!"


Personally while I think more WIP stuff would be great for the Patreon, you may as well just hang on to the vid until it's done. Heck if that's the only thing left, you could actually give a hard release date!

Dino Divo

I agree with Psychediver. May as well wait for the full thing. Looking awesome, by the way!


If you don't know when you can get the missing audio ,I hope you will release it as-is for those who do not wish to wait. You can always add the audio on a later date, people are still going to support you cuz they appreciate your work and like the product obviously.


How do I access the comic books please


Use the MEGA or mediafire link on this post https://www.patreon.com/posts/terrible-archive-49765454 and browse and download the comics from there. You might need an app like winrar to unzip some of the files.