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Island Otter

After all that to get revenge then you notice how much he is hurt.


A change of heart, maybe?


Sure, but you know he wasn't the only one filming this


Ouch the feels. I guess it is true eye for an eye makes the world blind but perhaps it could teach the lion a lesson on how Ruu felt all that time. Maybe a long and great friendship can come from this after all


This is the Space Jam sequel we need.

Kami Yamabushi

In the last frame, the phone is missing the three camera lenses.

DJ BootyLlama

Eh he may be hurt but it is just karma that came around and gave him his just desserts Sure you may feel bad but it doesn't out way on how much you feel good at seeing your bully grovel in public humiliation and embarrassment tbh It is just how this world is you go out and do negative acts to other's it will just come around and bite you in the rear later


Ruu panda isn't heartless enough to get revenge on the bully that caused his problems. The feels are real


Unpopular opinion, but i think that ruu deserve his revenge, and he mustn’t delete video just because bully cries. Maybe use of enemies in future, but not so fast. Anyway, love this story and waiting for another page👍🏻