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I've been thinking about how to inject extra soul straight into my assets and apparently this is the best I could come up with. Having something like this fits Mai's happy-go-lucky attitude too, I think. Girl's ready to have a good time.
Now, to clarify, I can't draw to save my life, but repurposing existing assets is a different matter. The flowers come from Mai's dress and it's actually fairly straight-forward to map the UVs of a simple object (the blindfold is just two planes, while the gag is, naturally, a sphere - it doesn't get simpler than this) to an existing texture. With this approach, I should be able to get more DoA-flavoured (please ignore the fact that Mai is a guest character) accessories in the future.
The only question is where to draw the line. Some things plain don't need to be very elaborate. Plus, a very wise man (💜) noted that I should keep the scenario and intended vibe in mind when choosing these. The blindfold texture is here to stay for sure, but the jury is still out regarding the gag. It's the kind of thing that can look good without the extra flair. Input from you all would be much appreciated.
Also, these models are super simple, but I'm gonna upload them somewhere eventually, once I'm happy with them. Biggest problem I dunno how to solve yet is how to make them easier to adjust to different characters.
Oh, and this is definitely not at all related to Mai's upcoming animation, where a bondage variant would fit perfectly. Nope. Don't worry about that.



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