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As far as he could remember, Sam had always been into bondage. As a kid, he was always initiating games like cowboys and Indians that would end up with somebody getting tied up. Usually Sam himself. As a teenager and a young man growing up in a small town, he had turned to self-bondage, as there were virtually no opportunities to meet other bondage enthusiasts. He had become quite good at it, and that had served him well when he had finally moved to the big city. There, he had finally found his way into the SM scene and the dungeons of quite a number of men ready and willing to tie him up. He had also met a lot of men who wanted to be tied up, young bucks like himself, and he had been happy to have mutual bondage sessions with them. However, with the passing of the years, Sam had been less and less in demand as a bondage bottom, and much to his chagrin, more and more as a bondage top. Now in his late fifties, it seemed that none of the younger men he lusted after was interested in tying him up. So, he had had to go back to his teenage “games” of self-bondage. Those were made even more enjoyable when he had a male friend staying over at his place. Sam would put himself in self-bondage, all the while imagining his friend chancing upon him and taking advantage of the situation. But those opportunities were few and far between. To tell the truth, Sam had been getting a little rusty. And so, one night, the inevitable finally happened: he couldn’t get himself out of his self-bondage. After struggling all he could for the better part of an hour, Sam was exhausted and finally had to call for help. Thankfully, his friend John, who was staying at Sam’s place for a few days because of a trade convention he was attending, was a light sleeper.



Morten Tinnesand

There is something with this story that hits me. (I myself am a month away from 58 - definitely "in the late fifties") and I have been playing a lot with belts and locks for self-bondage. Good for Sam that John is there. Even if John was a heavier sleeper, he would hopefully be able to release Sam in the morning. Luckily, Sam did not gag himself first. But when Sam sees John, does Sam really want to be released yet or ... ?


Ha, ha! That's the part I leave to your imagination. Everybody can make up their own story from that point. ;)

Timothy Brough

The look of arousal on John's face and body language says a lot to me. And Sam's look of sweaty panic...


Well, I've tried to make it so the expression on John's face would be up to individual interpretation. I must say that I like your interpretation. ;)