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This is something I've kept in my drafts for a while now, and its still sort of a draft in itself. At some point, if people like the story, I'll go through and revise it/add illustrations to it, but for now this is where its at. 

But uh.... Harry's disguise as a muggle from the village with Polyjuice was rather lame and short-sighted, don't you think?

ALSO notice at the beginning, though this takes place at the beginning of Deathly Hallows, this is an (obviously) alternate universe where it's after Harry's 18th birthday, not his 17th. As specified by the first sentence of the story. I know in this universe, you're an adult at 17 in the magical world, the age of consent is 16 in the UK or whatever (idk the specifics of the laws, I've just watched Broadchurch and learned from that), and that the actions in this writing isn't smut, necessarily lewd or anything. BUT I am both non-magical (or am I? Shhhhh special patreon secret) an American, and there is the sexualization of stuffs in this, so just to keep everything honky-dorey and very safe, I bumped the ages up a smidge.

I hope you enjoy!



This is pretty good! Definitely looking forward to associated images, and a sequel would be gre-at!


Amazing !


Very good! Would look forward to a sequel for sure. Maybe Harry now Gonfla starts forgetting English words and slipping more into the role over time


Feels like it cuts off right as it gets going, but pretty good apart from that.


Great job! Would love to see more in this series and especially hear Harry discussing his situation with his friends. Keep up the good work!

Kitty St. Clare

Completely agree with this! Please do another one regardless, but along this line would be amazing!


Interesting. Personally wouldn't be opposed to some images added, maybe an extended transformation scene, and perhaps a compulsion or two to help Harry act as Gonfla (why else would they suddenly have an accent unless we get in to the iffy territory of Harry's brain being transfigured). Perhaps we can get a sequel as it gets closer to the one-year anniversary?