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Not completely done, yet not terribly undercooked, I don't think. This represents the introduction fairly well, with some effects, sound, and render quality issues (especially render quality issues) still left to tackle. Looking back, I think in the final pass I'll also add some additional animation and texture polishing.

Consider this part 1 of 5. The viewport animation of the 2nd part is already available here, and the 3rd part is also almost fully animated. I'm going to focus on getting all those together within the next month and a half.

I'll be upgrading some of my hardware soon, which is entirely thanks to the generosity of the people who support me here, and will hopefully mean certain actions such as rendering won't present such a bottleneck in the process as they did with this.


189.61 MB file on MEGA



What timing, I got the notification for this literally the second I closed the Patreon tab. Edit: Having now actually seen the animation... holy FUCK man was this worth waiting for, holy shit. Easily your best work yet, keep it up.


This was awesome work and the expressions you were able to make with just the robots eyes was amazing and the movement was awesome too you always put quality stuff out here and it’s much appreciated


The subtle tit jiggles and all the details.. very nice


oh.. its peak


shit bangs

L.E.D. Rock

This vid is awesome! It feels like a real sci fi movie. What are your hardware specs like?


This is amazing and your saying it's just part 1 👀. Also that robot at the end got the best view lmao.


I wish I was more educated on animation so I could give better praise than a generic "That looked awesome!" but alas I am not so I will settle for a "That looked awesome!" Seriously your animations always look really amazing from the facial animations to lighting to the smooth movement. Thank you for making these animations!


The most satisfying kills you have animated so far. The head being crushed below her boots, the guy who gets ripped apart... And her cold facial expressions, truly a different league


Damn! Samus looks so hot. Love to see her grow. Hope she vores someone xD

Dan C.

The big thing I like about your animations are the subtle things, like the minute expressions on her face and how her body jiggles lightly


The jiggle physics tho! But honestly it already feels like this will be your top project yet, love the fact that you keep the humor there and try doing some creative shots and perspectives (That end especially) The sound effects are also really neat and fitting Also any chance you could give your current pc specs?


Such a quality animation! Not only the effects but as others said her attitude, jiggle physics, and impact from growing larger. Soooo good! Can't wait to see more.


Ngl the robot in 1:05 sounded like a mini pekka in slomo

Jeremy McDougal

This is absolutely amazing--just wanted to second all the comments here. Love how there's a powerful strength dynamic here like how she breaks out of the restraints and rips the robot apart. Also that expression on her face when she stands up and looks down at the robots--so hot. Almost like she's saying "I'm big and powerful, I know it, and you're all fucked now." Just amazing. This is why patreon exists--to support awesome creators like you and get more content like this out there. Keep up the good work! Waiting for future parts with baited breath.


This. Is. Amazing. I'm so excited for this


Please let Samus bust out of this suit


Amazing animation ! Her expression, jiggle physics, fight scene, everything is very very good. Keep up the good work and can't wait to see more of this animation.

Toasted Beagle

This is the reason I decided to back you. Giantess content THIS good is more scarce than Male Mindflayers and Size 2 Fish COMBINED!

Toasted Beagle

My favourite part is how she contemplates how she's gonna fit through the doorway at that size!

tomy tronix

i love his work and all but it would be cool if he would give a shout out now and then. maybe interact with your fan base?

Carl Webster

I'm super excited for this to be done

Bernard Phillips

Samus is my new favorite..Please more of her!!

TF2Fan101- Alt-U

Are you planning on releasing the Samus model you used for this animation?