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Woe, Models be upon thee.

Been doing quite a bit of model editing and creation lately. Some have noticed edits to Overwatch models I've made for certain members of the community. These may be released at some point in the future, but not on here. I want all the models released here to be entirely of my own making, or at least not be heavily based on a pre-existing model. It doesn't feel right otherwise.

As such, there are a couple other models I will probably be making public in the future with proper credits, but not be releasing on here, Anya being one of them, as she's a heavy edit of a model I got off of Smutbase. I hope this desire is understandable.

However, on to the original models. Remember to copy-paste the whole URL!


 I don't even play fighting games.


--- SCP-1471-A / MAL0 ---

This is my 1471-A model. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

The fur node setup on this was provided by the artist Ruaidri. Check em out if you like furry stuff, they're great! (even if their girls are regrettably small)



--- Lady Bone Demon ---

I have absolutely no idea. I created this in a fugue state. Blame Sonikku.

This was actually a joint effort between us. Clothing, scripting, and 2d elements are his, and I did most of the body work.

Beware. This model in particular is a bit buggy. Fixes to come soon, though.



As usual, feel free to message me with any issues you encounter.

Cheers, Lads.


Cody Neufeld

Nothing is working


I'd like too see what you could produce with a full team and millions of dollars (: if I win the lottery...